Best 3 Outdoor Air Hockey Table Models For Sale In 2022 Reviews

If you want a full-size air hockey table but you don’t have enough space in your house to put it inside, you should consider getting an outdoor air hockey table.

They are more durable to various weather conditions, although it is advisable to put them under some kind of roof or maybe in your garage.

About Outdoor Air Hockey Tables

It is not easy to find an outdoor air hockey table because they are pretty sensitive when it comes to water and moisture. The reason for that is simple. They have too many electrical parts in the construction. The water and moisture can affect the electric blower that produces an airflow for the playing field, the electric scoring system or even the LED light show if the table is equipped with it.

Protect Your Hockey Table

That is why it is not recommended to keep any air hockey table model outside without any kind of protection. If you really want to put the air hockey table outside, I suggest you get the outdoor air hockey table and you place it under a roof. That is the best way to avoid any accidents that are connected to the weather, moisture, water, and debris.

Small Selection

There aren’t many outdoor air hockey table models on the market because most people decided to put them inside in the living room or in the game room. The most common reason for that is because most full-sized air hockey tables come with a cable so they need a power outlet to work.

If you are really determined to have an outdoor air hockey table, I have a few models I want to show you. Just remember, having an outdoor hockey table means that the table is made of high-quality materials, more durable than other tables which often results in a higher price.

Top 3 Outdoor Air Hockey Table Models

Full-Sized Outdoor Air Hockey Table

Liberty WIK Storm Waterproof Air Hockey Table

The first outdoor air hockey table I want to show you is this full-sized game table and you will see that it looks amazing. The entire cabinet (which is pretty big) is made with a special space design and curved playing field. That playing field is much harder to play than the regular air hockey so it is a great addition to your game table collection.

Liberty WIK Storm Waterproof Air Hockey Table

This weatherproof game table has integrated drying system which prevents humidity which is one of the most important features for outdoor hockey tables. Besides that, the table is made of waterproof materials and it comes with the special polycarbonated playing field. The electric blower uses 260W to produce very strong airflow so you can be sure that the match on this table will be a fast-paced match. This game table is a very impressive product that can be a part of the bar or of your game room.

Outdoor Air Hockey Table With LED Lights

Shark Waterproof Air Hockey Table

As you can see from the name, this is another impressive outdoor air hockey table and just like the product above, this one also has its coin-operated version. I am not sure if I have ever seen this colorful air hockey table. It has yellow legs, completely decorated cabinet and deep blue sea theme on the playing field. It is a far better choice as the coin-operated table than as the hobby table you would put in your game room in my opinion.

Shark Waterproof Air Hockey Table

The table is made with a special waterproof design which means it is good for the outdoors, but I would still recommend to put it under a roof. Besides this impressive design, the table is also filled with LED lights so you can play it in the dark if you want. This heavy-duty game table will stay in one place no matter how hard you start to play so prepare yourself for an impressive air hockey experience.

Coin-Operated Outdoor Hockey Table

Skate Weatherproof Air Hockey Table

The last outdoor air hockey table I want to share with you is a combination of the first two models. It has that special curved playing field like the first model and it comes with an impressive design and LED light show like the second model. This one doesn’t come with a coin-operated option because there is the only coin-operated air hockey model so if you want it for your home, you will have to deal with the coin slot machine.

Skate Weatherproof Air Hockey Table

The table is made to endure all the weather conditions but I would recommend to put it under a roof. Another great idea is to find an air hockey cover that will protect the table when you aren’t using it. Those steps can make this (and every other air hockey table) last for a long time. Now, there aren’t many surprises when it comes to this table because of the only difference between this one and the Shark model above, it the curved playing field and the Skate design.

Conclusion: Best Outdoor Air Hockey Table

Out of those three outdoor air hockey table models reviewed above, I would pick Liberty WIK Storm Waterproof air hockey table. The reasons why I would pick it is that it isn’t colorful as much as the other two hockey tables and it has a curved playing field for a bigger challenge.

In my other articles, you can read about the best arcade & commercial hockey tables or professional air hockey tables. I also wrote an article about the best air hockey tables on the current market.