How To Clean Air Hockey Table?

You can spend a fortune on the best air hockey table on the market, but if you don’t clean it properly you will have a bad quality table. The holes for the airflow will clog, the puck won’t move and you won’t be satisfied. If you don’t clean the table you will lose all its advantages and you will share a bad review of the model on the internet which isn’t true. That is why you have to be aware that a good air hockey table maintenance is as important as the good quality materials the table is made of.

If you worry about how to clean the air hockey table, you can relax because it is not a complicated task, but you have to do it often. I want to share with you a few simple things you can do to keep your air hockey table nice and clean so you can enjoy hockey for a long time.

How To Clean Air Hockey Table?

When you see a full-sized air hockey table you will think that it is a huge table which is practically indestructible and you won’t be wrong. But, that only counts for brute force. Small particles like dust or crumbs can do harm to your table because they will clog the airflow and if that happens, you won’t experience air hockey like you should.

how to clean air hockey table

You don’t have to clean the table every day, or every week, but it would be a good idea to wipe it every two weeks or so. Also, make sure that you clean the table when you are done playing it, especially if you left some kind of a mark on the frame of the playing field. That will only take a minute and you will have a table in top shape for years to come.

The Playing Field

The first and the most important thing you have to clean is the playing field. If the playing field is filled with dust, the puck will collect the dust and it won’t move smoothly on the field. The best way to get rid of the dust is to wipe the table with a cloth. You can use non-ammoniated window cleaners to clean the surface. Don’t use wax or silicone on the field because they can clog the holes for it airflow.

The Playing Field

Don’t forget to turn the blower ON during the process because it will help move the dust away from the holes for the airflow. That way the holes are safe and you won’t experience clogged holes on the table.

Rails And Holes For The Airflow

Rails are located around the playing field and the puck bounces off of them during the match. The interesting fact about the rails is that it is good to avoid them when you are cleaning the table. That thin layer of dirt will help the puck bounce of straight on the playing field and not in the air.

Rails and Holes for the Airflow

Just like rails, you don’t have to clean the holes too often, once a year is enough. If you notice that they are clogged you can do it more often. To clean them you will have to turn the blower ON and pull the dirt up out of the air holes so you don’t push the dirt into the cabinet. A toothpick or a safety pin is a good tool for that process because they are small enough to fit in the hole and pull out the dirt.

The Cabinet

When you are done playing clean the entire cabinet with a soft cloth to remove any type of dust on it. While you are doing that, check if the entire construction is stable by looking at the screw and screwing those who are loose. If you are an aggressive player you will have to tighten up those screws once in a while so don’t forget to check them up. That way you will always have a brand new table.

The Cabinet

Make sure that the entire cabinet is clean by avoiding placing any type of drinks on it. That way you or your friends won’t spill anything on the table. If an accident happens, turn the blower ON and the liquid will stay away from the holes and you can quickly mop it up.

Air Hockey Table Cover

Now that you have seen how to clean air hockey table, you can do it properly and prolongate its life. But there is one more thing you can use to keep the table in top shape and that is an air hockey cover. You can easily use the cover to protect the playing surface from the dust and debris, especially if you don’t use the table that much. It is a great way to keep the table protected and it is one of the most important accessories for an air hockey table.

Conclusion: How To Clean Air Hockey Table?

To recap, if you want your hockey table to last for years, just wipe it after every couple of uses. Wipe the playing surface with a dry cloth or use non-ammoniated window cleaners and turn on the blower when you’re doing this. If the air holes are clogged, the best way to clean them is with a toothpick or a safety pin. To protect your air hockey table from dust and dirt you can also buy a table cover.